The REAL reason I left In Flames...

Dear dudes and dudettes,

First off, I want to thank everyone for all of the kind messages. Your words don’t go unnoticed and I truly am grateful for all of your love and support over the years. For those of you just here because of the clickbait headline and looking for drama—the joke’s on you.

I know this news may come as a shock to some of you, after 6+ years committed to In Flames, hundreds of shows played—I never missed a single one no matter how bad the illness or occasional hangover. For a while, I thought surely I would tour until my fingers fell off or the band decided to hang it up. In reality, after a forced 2 year hiatus in 2020, I had begun having thoughts that formerly never existed. For me, being able to tour at any level was a dream, let alone touring with a legendary band like In Flames. But, with every opportunity there is a cost and for me the currency of time has only increased in value over the years.

After a busy year on the road in 2022, coinciding with some family emergencies, I started feeling more depression on the road than ever and an acute longing to be home, or simply put, homesick. This isn’t an uncommon scenario for a road dog, but for me it had become clear that I needed to slow down and just be present.

I am insanely lucky to have been able to travel the world with the best crew and share the stage with such talented musicians and overall awesome humans as Bjorn, Anders, Chris, and Tanner. To the friends and fans I’ve made along the way, thank you for the continued support— this definitely won’t be the end of my musical journey. In the meantime, I’ll be surfing and honing my skills as a photographer here in California.
Bein’ home ain’t so bad.


Bryce Newman